Saturday, December 27, 2008

From cradle to the grave-and beyond!

My passion is to share the good news of Jesus Christ, whose birthday we celebrate at Christmas. Many people are familiar with the birth of Jesus, but what led up to this remarkable event? Before the world was created by God, He set a pln in motion that would affect all mankind. When Adam and Eve disobeyed God in the Garden of Eden (by eating from the tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil), succumbing to the temptation of Satan, in the form of a snake), all humanity fell into sin as Adam was appointed the head of all mankind. Because the penalty of committing sin was death, we are all born spiritually dead in sin.

Later on, God allowed animal sacrifices by the priests to make atonement for the sins of the people (because without the shedding of blood, no sins could be forgiven). He established the Law (the Ten Commandments), which the people were bound to follow. As we cannot keep the Law, He sent Jesus in the humble form of a baby, in order to fulfill the Law. Jesus, being 100% God and 100% man, lived a sinless life, and as such, was the only perfectly acceptable blood sacrifice that God accepted once and for all to forgive those whom He has called to be His own, to show His mercy on a people who didn't deserve it. Jesus willingly suffered and died an agonizing death on the Roman cross and became sin for His children. He was separated from His Father during that time on the cross, as God cannot look upon sin. After Jesus died, He was placed in a tomb, from which He arose three days later. What a victory! He conquered the last enemy-sin, death, and Satan!!!

Today, He sits at the right hand of God the Father, waiting for the time of His return to Earth to bring His redeemed people back to Heaven to glorify God forever. Those who do not believe in Jesus Christ will spend eternity in a real Hell to suffer the full wrath of a just and holy God. In the meantime, Jesus has left the Holy Spirit, the Comforter and Guidance into all truth, to indwell those who believe in Christ, those whom He has brought from death to life, who have been enabled to repent and obey God--ever struggling against sin, but clinging to the Lord and Savior for His help and forgiveness. What an awesome ending for such a meager beginning--a baby, born of a virgin, in a feeding trough with angels heralding His birth to lowly shepherds.